Despite being convicted of attempted reckless manslaughter, Dr. Geoffrey Kim, the plastic surgeon responsible for the botched procedure and later death of Emmalyn Nguyen, is now permitted to continue practicing medicine in Colorado. An agreement between Dr. Kim and the … Continue reading
Category: Medical Malpractice
Seeking help from a medical professional should address the injury or illness you’re dealing with, and should ultimately make you better. Unfortunately, sometimes patients are injured or see their condition worsen because of substandard healthcare. You may have heard about … Continue reading
If your doctor injured you because he or she acted negligently and harmed you, you can sue your doctor for medical malpractice. But it’s not an easy thing to do. Several questions need to be answered “yes” before a lawyer … Continue reading
Patient handoffs occur when one shift of nurses or doctors hand a patient over to the next shift during the course of the day. The same occurs when patients are transferred from one department in a hospital to another such … Continue reading
If you’ve been injured as a result of negligence, carelessness, or another form of medical malpractice during gallbladder removal surgery in Denver, contact the Olson Personal Injury Lawyers right away. Medical malpractice cases are complex, but our skilled legal team … Continue reading
Data compiled and analyzed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) national health interview survey recently determined which occupations, on average, generate employees who sleep the least. The rankings were based on two variables: the average amount of … Continue reading