rear end car accident

Thousands of people are injured every year in Colorado car accidents. Rear-end collisions are some of the most common crashes, representing nearly three out of every 10 motor vehicle accidents in the U.S.

If you were involved in a Denver rear-end accident that was not your fault, you should not be on the hook for your accident-related losses. Our dedicated car accident attorneys at Olson Personal Injury Lawyers can help you pursue justice and fair compensation.

To discuss the details of your Denver rear-end accident claim and learn more about whether you could be entitled to compensation, contact us today for a free case review.

What Is a Rear-End Collision?

A rear-end collision is an incredibly common type of motor vehicle accident that occurs when the front end of one vehicle collides with the rear end of the vehicle in front of it. Even relatively minor rear-end collisions that occur at low speeds can leave victims with painful, life-altering injuries.

Common causes of rear-end collisions in Denver include

  • Following too closely – When negligent drivers follow too closely, rear-end crashes can occur when they are unable to brake in time when traffic ahead of them slows or stops.
  • Impaired driving – Drowsy drivers and those under the influence of alcohol or drugs have impaired driving abilities and an increased risk of causing rear-end crashes.
  • Distracted driving – Drivers who are distracted behind the wheel are more likely to overlook changes in traffic flow and collide with vehicles ahead of them.
  • Unsafe passing maneuvers – Drivers who cut others off in traffic can cause rear-end accidents when they fail to leave enough space for other drivers.
  • Brake defects – Drivers of vehicles with defective brakes from poor maintenance or manufacturing are more likely to lose control and cause rear-end crashes.

Rear-End Accident Statistics

The following data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) illustrates just how prevalent and dangerous rear-end accidents can be:

  • In just one recent year, approximately 2,194,000 rear-end traffic crashes occurred throughout the U.S., representing nearly one-third (32.5 percent) of all two-vehicle collisions that year.
  • Of those 2,194,000 two-car rear-end accidents, 1,597,000 resulted in property damage only (PDO), accounting for 33.2 percent of all PDO crashes that year.
  • Of all the two-vehicle rear-end crashes that occurred that year, 595,000 (27.1 percent) resulted in reported injuries, and 2,346 resulted in reported fatalities.

Common Injuries from Rear-End Car Accidents

Rear-end car accidents can result in severe injuries with lasting and painful effects, such as:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Back, neck, and shoulder injuries
  • Arm, leg, foot, and hand injuries
  • Dislocated or broken bones
  • Traumatic or surgical amputations
  • Abdominal injuries and internal bleeding
  • Burns, bruises, lacerations, and puncture wounds
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Facial and dental injuries
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement

Who Is to Blame for Rear-End Crashes in Denver?

Generally speaking, the driver who crashes into the rear end of the vehicle in front of them is to blame for a rear-end accident in Denver. The law requires drivers to maintain a safe following distance that allows them time to react if traffic ahead slows or stops.

However, the driver who crashes into the rear end of another vehicle may not be at fault in some cases. Another party may be to blame if:

  • One vehicle is struck from behind in a multi-car collision and is unavoidably pushed into another vehicle in front.
  • The driver of the leading vehicle decides to “brake check” the car behind them by cutting them off and slamming on the brakes.
  • The leading vehicle has malfunctioning tail lights, turn signals, or brake lights.

How Are Injured Victims Compensated?

A rear-end collision can result in extensive injuries, costly medical bills, missed time at work, and other significant personal and financial losses. The money from a rear-end accident claim is intended to compensate victims for losses such as:

  • Reasonable and necessary medical expenses for the treatment of injuries related to the rear-end accident
  • Lost wages from any days away from work during recovery
  • Lost future earning capacity from injury-related disabilities that prevent victims from returning to work
  • Pain, suffering, and losses in quality of life stemming from the accident and related injuries
  • Out-of-pocket costs from accident-related expenses such as in-home care or travel to medical appointments
  • Repair or replacement costs for vehicle damage

How an Attorney Can Help

The compassionate Denver car accident attorneys at Olson Personal Injury Lawyers understand that the aftermath of a rear-end crash can feel painful and unbearable. Our seasoned advocates are here to support you as you heal and move forward by:

  • Helping you understand the options available to you for pursuing compensation
  • Investigating the circumstances surrounding the rear-end accident to determine who was at fault and uncover helpful evidence for your claim
  • Working with expert witnesses such as medical providers and accident reconstruction specialists who can explain the causes and effects of the crash
  • Communicating with insurance companies, healthcare professionals, and other attorneys on your behalf
  • Managing critical legal documents and deadlines on your behalf
  • Representing you during settlement negotiations and court appearances as needed to fight for your rights and demand fair compensation for your losses

Contact Our Experienced Denver Rear-End Car Accident Lawyers Today

The Olson Personal Injury Lawyers is committed to protecting the rights of our Denver-area neighbors. If you were hurt in a rear-end car accident, contact our offices today to learn more about how we can help you in a free initial consultation.