Whiplash – also known as neck sprain – is a very common injury suffered by victims in Wyoming car accidents. While some whiplash-related injuries hi[ill heal by themselves over time, it can also cause additional and ongoing complications in more serious cases.

If you are experiencing whiplash problems after a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you might be entitled to significant compensation. Olson Personal Injury Lawyers is here to help fight for the compensation and justice you are entitled to.

We have a reputation for aggressively advocating for clients while providing them with the respect and personal attention they deserve. Our compassionate team has served victims in Cheyenne and across Wyoming and helped them get on the road to recovery. As demonstrated by glowing reviews from our past clients, we have the skills and resources to get the results you need.

Don’t let your whiplash injuries cost you your financial security or your enjoyment of the things you love to do. Contact Olson Personal Injury Lawyers today to set up a free consultation and see how we can help you take back your life.

Severe Whiplash Symptoms after a Cheyenne Car Accident

In the aftermath of a car wreck, common initial symptoms of whiplash injuries include:

  • Neck pain
  • Headache
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Amnesia
  • Neck stiffness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Numbness in hands or arms

Some people with milder whiplash symptoms like minor pain and neck stiffness recover quickly. However, car accident victims who experience more serious symptoms right after a wreck, such as higher levels of neck pain and stiffness, are likely to continue to have problems many years later.

Additional Injuries That Could Result from Untreated Severe Whiplash

When whiplash goes untreated, it can lead to secondary injuries that might be more severe and even cause lifelong issues, such as:

  • Trouble sleeping. A primary side effect of whiplash is insomnia. Untreated pain can make it difficult for people to fall asleep or stay asleep. It can lead to morning stiffness that makes it challenging to get out of bed.
  • Ongoing vertigo or dizziness. Swelling and stiffness in the neck from untreated whiplash can impact the brain stem and other parts of the nervous system and connections through the spine. This leads to sudden dizziness and might cause people to get nauseated or fall down.
  • Chronic stiffness or reduced range of motion. This is one of the main side effects of whiplash. Stiffness in the neck can contribute to problems with other parts of body, including spine and back issues. Discs in the spinal cord might slip out of place or break down, which can lead to further pain, tingling, or weakness in body parts that depend on the spine.
  • Car accident victims often experience buzzing or ringing in the ears after the crash. This can become a chronic issue if the whiplash goes untreated and can cause additional impacts like trouble concentrating or sleeping.
  • Anxiety, depression, and other emotional issues. Studies have found that chronic pain can lead to serious emotional distress. When a person is experiencing ongoing and serious pain, it can make them upset and frustrated, plus it makes it more difficult for them to control their anger or react to minor setbacks in a calm manner.
  • Migraines or chronic headaches. Inflammation in the neck and spine is known to contribute to headaches in all areas of the head. Chronic shoulder, back, and neck pain can also cause chronic headaches or even migraines, which have additional side effects like nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Spinal fracture. In the most severe cases, whiplash can lead to spinal fracture, which might go unnoticed as the person is dealing with more obvious and persistent problems like headaches and dizziness.

Long-Term Issues from Untreated Severe Whiplash

The side effects of untreated severe whiplash can lead to lifetime complications that might not be obvious to the naked eye or readily apparent on tests like x-rays. For example, chronic pain might cause people to miss work so often that they are unable to hold a job, which can have serious financial consequences.

The pain and other secondary impacts of whiplash can also interfere with the person’s personal life. The injuries might prevent them from participating in activities they used to enjoy, and they might discontinue visits with friends and family.

Whiplash victims might experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can cause ongoing anxiety or keep victims from driving or taking public transportation. This kind of isolation can lead to additional emotional issues like depression and suicidal thoughts.

Additionally, spouses and partners might have to become the injured person’s caregiver instead of just their loved one, which might put serious strain on the romantic relationship.

Severe Injuries from Whiplash

Studies by the National Institutes of Health show that whiplash victims often underestimate their initial injuries, which might lead to prolonged impacts.

People with whiplash injuries typically report a poorer quality of life five years after the accident than people with other types of injuries. Nearly 10% of whiplash victims are not able to return to some or all of the activities they did before the accident. Some groups are more vulnerable to chronic side effects.

For example, as many as 75% of people who had reduced neck movement right after their injury were still experiencing serious side effects a year after their accident.

Contact Olson Personal Injury Lawyers in Cheyenne for Help with Your Severe Whiplash Injury

If you are suffering from a severe whiplash injury in Cheyenne or elsewhere in Wyoming, Olson Personal Injury Lawyers is here to help. Contact our Wyoming personal injury law firm today by phone or reach out to us online to set up your free consultation.