What Should I Do After a Motorcycle Accident?

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The very first thing you should do if you’re involved in a motorcycle accident, is call 911. Get the police on the scene to investigate what happened and how it happened. Secondly, make sure to get medical attention. Even if you don’t think you’re hurt that badly, go see your doctor and make sure.

After that, contact the lawyer. Talk to that lawyer about your rights and responsibilities and what kind of case you might have against the driver who caused the crash. Even if you don’t know whose fault the motorcycle crash was, call the police. Ask them to make a determination as to what happened, or at a minimum, gather up the evidence that’s available at the scene.

If you’re able, take as many photos as you can as well, get measurements, talk to witnesses, and get their contact information so that you can contact them later on should it become necessary. Even if you were at fault for the motorcycle crash, it’s going to be important to gather up any evidence that you can so that a lawyer or an insurance company can help you get through the next steps.

And no matter what kind of crash you’ve been in, whether it’s a motorcycle wreck, a car crash, or a crash with a truck, get the crash report number from the police officer who’s sent to investigate. That number will help you to get the actual report once it’s written and save you a lot of time.