The very first thing anybody should do if they’re involved in a car accident is call 911. Make sure that police arrive on the scene to document exactly what happened and determine what occurred.
After you’ve called 911 or asked somebody to do that for you, make sure to get medical attention, even if you’re not sure that anything is wrong. It’s always best to see your doctor to get checked out and make sure nothing’s going on.
Make sure you do everything in your power to document everything that happened, including pictures, notes, and measurements, to ensure that you can tell someone later on what happened.
One common mistake that people make after a car crash is not seeking medical attention. Oftentimes, people think that their stiffness or soreness will go away the next day, but it doesn’t. Make sure to call a doctor, find out what’s going on, and make sure that you have the treatment and medical care that you need. Also, make sure that the care is documented so that you can share that with an insurance company later on down the road.
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