“A wrongful death is a death that is caused as a result of someone else’s negligence. In other words, that person, that trucking company, that doctor, nurse, or hospital was acting unreasonably in the manner in which they caused your loved one’s death. Most wrongful death cases are complicated, both in the manner in which you can prove the death occurred and the manner in which the claim needs to be made to make sure that your rights, as a loved one who’s left behind, are protected.
It’s always a good idea to talk to a lawyer, at a very minimum, about your case to see how that case might play out over a period of time. Even if you don’t hire a lawyer, get your questions answered about what your case looks like, what liability might look like, and what your damages might look like. Those questions are complicated and they require someone who’s been there before to answer them.
It’s important, if you think you have a wrongful death claim available to you, to make sure you’re not throwing away documents that your deceased loved one has laying around. While it may be convenient to get rid of those kinds of things, you’ll never know what might be necessary down the road to prove your claim. So, for the time being, hang on to those things—they may help you down the road.”
New Mexico
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