A wrongful death is a death that is caused as a result of someone else’s negligence. In other words, someone else was not acting reasonably or, in fact, they were acting recklessly and caused the death of another person. That’s what a wrongful death is.
Wrongful death lawsuits can take a long time to come to a resolution or a settlement. It really depends upon the facts of the case and how that death occurred. If there were multiple parties involved, it may take some real investigation to find out what, in fact, it was that caused the death of that person and then to hold those people accountable for the actions that they took or failed to take that caused that death.
It’s always wise to assume that it’s going to take longer than you think it will to come to a resolution in a wrongful death case. They’re marathons, not sprints, and you have to be ready for a long journey to come to some resolution.
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