A newborn baby boy yawning inside an incubator in a hospital nursery.

Premature birth is a critical issue that occurs when a baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy has been completed. This early arrival can place a newborn at high risk for serious health complications, many of which carry the potential for long-term consequences.

Common risks associated with premature births include respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, and necrotizing enterocolitis—conditions that can lead to developmental delays, lifelong disabilities, or even life-threatening situations.

Amidst these daunting challenges, the need for expert legal representation cannot be overstated. Olson Personal Injury Lawyers, a premier firm based in Denver, specializes in championing the rights of families affected by premature birth injuries.

Our firm is dedicated to confronting medical negligence with relentless advocacy and deep legal acumen, striving to secure justice and substantial compensation for affected families. We understand the immense emotional and financial strain that accompanies premature birth complications, and we are committed to providing the support and guidance needed to navigate these turbulent waters.

If your child has suffered due to complications arising from premature birth, it is crucial to act swiftly. Turn to Olson Personal Injury Lawyers, where we combine expertise, compassion, and determination to fight for the best possible outcome for your family.

Contact us today at (720) 730-4325 or visit our website to discuss your case and ensure your rights are fully protected.

How to Choose a Denver Premature Birth Injury Attorney

Choosing the right Denver birth injury attorney to handle a case is crucial, as these cases are often complex and require a deep understanding of both medical intricacies and legal strategies. Here’s how to select a Denver attorney who is best equipped to handle such sensitive matters, along with key questions to ask:

  1. Extensive Experience and Success: When meeting with potential attorneys, inquire about their experience, specifically in cases of premature birth injury. Ask them to share some of their past successes, including settlements and verdicts. This information can give you an idea of how capable they are in handling cases similar to yours. It’s essential that the attorney not only understands the typical medical issues associated with premature birth but also has a proven track record of successfully navigating these challenges in court.
  2. Personalized Care and Dedication: Understand how the firm approaches each case. Ask about how they tailor their strategy to meet the unique needs of each client. It’s important that the firm provides personalized attention to your case, recognizing the specific challenges and emotional distress that come with premature birth injuries. Questions like “How do you ensure each family gets the attention they need?” or “What steps do you take to understand and address individual client concerns?” can be very telling.
  3. Navigating the Legal Journey: The process of dealing with a legal case involving premature birth can be daunting. Ask the attorney how they will help you navigate through the complexities of your legal journey. It’s crucial that they can clearly explain the legal processes involved, from filing a lawsuit to reaching a settlement or going to trial. They should also be able to discuss how they handle negotiations with opposing parties and insurance companies.

Questions to Ask a Prospective Premature Birth Injury Attorney

  • What experience do you have with premature birth injury cases?
  • Can you share examples of your successes in similar cases?
  • How do you personalize your approach to each case?
  • What is your strategy for dealing with complex medical-legal issues?
  • How will you communicate updates and developments throughout the case?
  • What resources does your firm have access to that will help in handling my case?

Why Choose Olson Personal Injury Lawyers

At Olson Personal Injury Lawyers, we bring extensive experience and a successful track record in dealing with complex birth injury cases, specifically those involving premature infants. We understand the nuances of these cases and are dedicated to providing the highest level of personalized care.

Our commitment is not only to achieve favorable outcomes but also to support and guide each family through their challenging legal journey, ensuring they feel informed and cared for every step of the way.

If you are searching for a Denver attorney with the expertise, commitment, and compassion to handle your premature birth injury case, contact Olson Personal Injury Lawyers. We are ready to listen to your story, answer your questions, and discuss how we can help secure the justice and compensation you deserve.

Injuries Associated With Premature Birth

Premature birth, defined as delivery before 37 weeks of gestation, poses significant health risks for infants, primarily because their organs have not yet fully developed. This immaturity can lead to several serious medical conditions, which, if not managed properly, can result in long-term developmental and health issues.

Common Conditions in Premature Infants

  1. Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS): One of the most common conditions affecting premature infants, RDS occurs because the baby’s lungs are not fully developed and lack sufficient surfactant—a substance that helps keep the lungs open and receive oxygen. Infants with RDS may require supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation to breathe properly, which can lead to further complications such as chronic lung disease.
  2. Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH): This condition involves bleeding into the brain’s ventricular system, where the cerebrospinal fluid is produced. IVH is more common in the smallest and most premature infants. Severe IVH can lead to hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, or developmental delays, as the bleeding can damage brain tissue and lead to other complications.
  3. Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC): NEC is a severe gastrointestinal problem that affects mostly premature infants. It involves the inflammation and sometimes the necrosis (death) of intestinal tissue, which can lead to perforations in the intestine and severe infections. Long-term complications of NEC can include malnutrition, developmental delays, and failure to thrive if significant portions of the intestine need to be removed.

Long-Term Developmental and Health Issues

The early onset of these conditions in premature infants can lead to a range of long-term issues. For instance, babies who suffer from RDS and require prolonged oxygen therapy may develop chronic lung disease, which can impact their respiratory health well into childhood or even adulthood.

Similarly, survivors of IVH can experience motor deficits, cognitive impairments, and learning disabilities depending on the severity and location of the brain bleed. Children who have had severe NEC might struggle with nutrient absorption, leading to growth problems and requiring ongoing nutritional support.

Premature infants require immediate and specialized medical care to address these conditions promptly to minimize long-term damage. However, despite best efforts, some may still face lasting impacts that require ongoing medical treatment and supportive care.

Understanding these potential outcomes underscores the importance of specialized healthcare for premature infants and may necessitate legal action if substandard medical care contributes to the severity of the condition. For families navigating the aftermath of premature birth injuries, legal support can be crucial in securing necessary compensation to cover lifelong medical care, rehabilitation, and special educational needs.

Medical Negligence in Premature Birth Injuries

Medical negligence can have a profound impact on the incidence and severity of injuries associated with premature births. Understanding how medical errors can contribute to these outcomes and how negligence is determined in such cases is crucial for parents and guardians seeking accountability and justice.

Common Medical Errors Contributing to Premature Birth Injuries

  1. Failure to Prevent Premature Labor: Medical providers are expected to identify and manage risk factors for premature labor, such as infections, multiple pregnancies, and previous history of preterm births. Failure to administer treatments that could delay labor, like corticosteroids, which mature the baby’s lungs, or to provide appropriate medications to halt premature contractions, can lead to premature birth and associated complications.
  2. Improper Neonatal Care: Once a premature baby is born, the neonatal care they receive must adhere to the highest standards due to their vulnerability. Errors in neonatal care can include inadequate monitoring of vital signs, improper use of ventilators, or delayed treatment for conditions common in preemies, such as respiratory distress syndrome or infections. Such lapses can exacerbate existing conditions or lead to new complications.
  3. Inadequate Response to Maternal Health Issues: Neglecting maternal health issues like preeclampsia or gestational diabetes can also precipitate premature labor. Medical professionals must monitor and manage these conditions meticulously to prevent early delivery.

Determining Negligence in Premature Birth Injury Cases

Negligence is established by proving that the care provided fell below the accepted standard of medical practice and directly caused harm to the mother or child. Here’s how negligence is typically determined:

  • Expert Testimony: Medical experts play a crucial role by testifying about the standard of care expected under similar circumstances. They can assess whether the actions taken by healthcare providers were appropriate and within the realm of professional standards.
  • Medical Record Review: A thorough examination of all medical records before, during, and after birth provides insights into decision-making and care provided. Discrepancies or deviations from standard procedures noted in these records can be crucial evidence of negligence.
  • Causation: It must be demonstrated that the negligent act was a direct cause of the injury. This often involves showing a clear link between premature birth complications and the error made by the healthcare provider.

For families affected by premature birth injuries, understanding these aspects of medical negligence is essential when considering legal action. Legal expertise can provide the guidance necessary to navigate the complex process of claiming compensation, ensuring that the child’s long-term needs are met and helping the family achieve some measure of justice for the hardships endured.

Steps to Take After a Premature Birth Injury

  1. Document Everything: Begin by documenting all aspects of the birth and the care received. Note dates, times, names of healthcare providers, and conversations about your child’s care and condition. This documentation can be vital in constructing a timeline that may be crucial for legal purposes.
  2. Secure Medical Records: Request complete copies of all medical records related to the pregnancy, birth, and neonatal treatment from the hospital or healthcare facility. These records are foundational in proving your case, as they contain critical details about the care provided and the medical decisions made.
  3. Seek a Second Opinion: If you suspect that your child’s condition was caused or worsened by the actions of healthcare providers, seek a second opinion from medical experts outside of the initial care team. An unbiased opinion can help clarify whether standard care protocols were followed.
  4. Consult with a Specialist: Depending on the nature of the injury, consulting with specialists such as pediatric neurologists, developmental therapists, or pediatric surgeons can provide insights into the long-term needs of your child and potential future complications.
  5. Contact an Experienced Legal Team: Engaging a lawyer who specializes in medical malpractice and premature birth injuries is crucial. A knowledgeable attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options and will be integral in building a strong case. They can coordinate with medical experts to obtain the necessary opinions and testimonies that support your claim.
  6. Preserve Evidence: Keep any evidence related to the care received, including personal notes, medical bills, prescriptions, and correspondence from healthcare providers. This evidence will be crucial in demonstrating the impact of the injury on your family’s life and financial situation.
  7. Understand the Statute of Limitations: In Colorado, the statute of limitations for medical malpractice claims is generally two years from the date the injury was discovered or should have been reasonably discovered. However, for minors, the time is extended to their eighth birthday.

Consult an Elite Denver Premature Birth Injury Law Firm

If your child has suffered from a premature birth injury, don’t wait to seek legal guidance. Contact Olson Personal Injury Lawyers today at (720) 730-4325 or visit our website to schedule a free consultation.

Our experienced team is ready to evaluate your case, guide you through the legal process, and help you secure the compensation you deserve. Let us advocate for your family’s rights and support you every step of the way.