Underride Truck Accident Lawyer

A black big rig truck driving on a cloudy afternoon along a highway.In the shadow of the majestic Rocky Mountains, where the beauty of nature meets the bustle of commerce, a hidden danger lurks on the highways—underride truck accidents. These terrifying incidents occur when a smaller vehicle collides with a truck and slides underneath it, often resulting in severe damage and catastrophic outcomes.

The consequences of such accidents are devastating, leading to significant injuries or, tragically, loss of life. The complexity of these accidents is compounded in the Rocky Mountains, where winding roads, steep inclines, and unpredictable weather conditions increase the risk of such dire incidents.

Amidst this grim reality, Olson Personal Injury Lawyers emerges as a champion of hope and expertise for victims of underride truck accidents. With a deep specialization in navigating the aftermath of these complex collisions, our firm stands ready to advocate for those who have suffered in the face of such overwhelming odds.

The unique challenges of the Rocky Mountain terrain demand a legal team with not only a thorough understanding of truck accident law but also an intimate knowledge of the local landscape. Olson Personal Injury Lawyers brings both to the table, offering unparalleled expertise and a compassionate approach to each case we undertake.

Our dedication to representing victims of underride truck accidents is rooted in a commitment to justice and the well-being of our clients. Understanding the profound impact these accidents can have on individuals and their families, we are driven by a mission to secure the compensation and closure needed to move forward.

As we navigate the legal complexities and advocate for our clients, our goal remains steadfast: to offer a guiding light through the darkest of times, ensuring that no one has to face the aftermath of an underride truck accident alone.

For dedicated support and expert legal representation in underride truck accident cases, turn to Olson Personal Injury Lawyers. Our experienced team is ready to guide you through every step, ensuring your rights are protected and your voice is heard.

Contact us at (720) 730-4325 to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can assist you in achieving the justice and compensation you deserve. Let us be your advocates during this challenging time.

Catastrophic Injuries Caused by Truck Accidents

Very few people walk away from truck accidents unharmed. In most cases, victims suffer injuries that involve a very long recovery. In severe cases, the individual may never fully recover or the injuries may result in death.

Some injuries restrict not only a person's ability to work, but also their basic ability to care for themselves. Such victims may need 24-hour full-time assistance with all of their daily functions.

Some of the injuries our clients struggle with after a truck accident include:

Common Truck Accident Injuries:

  • Internal organ injuries
  • Amputation
  • Disfigurement & scarring
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Paralysis
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries

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What to Do After a Truck

Report the accident

In most states, you must stop after an accident and report it to the police if it involves property damage, injury, or death. Truck accidents will typically cause at least one of these, so it’s important to report any truck accident immediately after it happens and ask for a copy of the police report.

Get medical treatment

It's likely that you will need emergency medical treatment after the accident, and this should be your first priority after the crash has been reported. Even if you don’t think you need emergency treatment, you should still see a doctor. They can perform a full examination and alert you to injuries that may be slow to show symptoms.

Exchange information

Similar to the aftermath of a car crash, you’ll need to exchange information with everyone involved in the accident. Make sure you write down the truck driver’s name, contact information, driver’s license number, and insurance information. Also, ask for the name and contact information of the truck driver’s employer.

Collect information from witnesses

Witness testimony can greatly help a truck accident claim. If there were witnesses, ask for their names and contact information and possibly even a brief statement of what they saw.

Document everything

Taking photos can help ensure important evidence is preserved. Take pictures of the truck, particularly the position it was in after the crash and any identifying markings on it, such as the company that leased it. Take photos of your injuries, and once home, document how they have impacted your life.

Don’t say anything

An insurance adjuster will likely contact you shortly after the accident. It’s important you understand that they are trying to get you to accept at least partial blame for the accident so they can pay out a lower settlement. They may even offer a settlement right away.

How Will a Truck Accident Lawyer Help Me?

After an accident, you might feel like everyone is working against you. You can count on Sean Olson to be your champion and ally throughout the truck accident claim process.

Experienced Truck Accident Attorneys Proudly Serving:


  • Denver
  • Aurora
  • Boulder
  • Breckenridge
  • Color Springs
  • Fort Collins
  • Golden
  • Summit County


  • Casper
  • Cheyenne
  • Gillette
  • Laramie

Trust an Expert Underride Truck Accident Attorney

In the tragic event of an underride truck accident, victims and their families face not only the immediate challenge of recovery but also the daunting task of navigating the legal complexities these cases entail. The Olson Personal Injury Lawyers emerges as a critical ally in these difficult times, offering expertise grounded in a deep understanding of the intricacies unique to underride truck accidents.

Our truck accident law firm’s attorneys are well-versed in the technical and legal nuances that define these accidents, including the specific federal and state safety regulations that govern trucking and vehicle design. This knowledge is paramount in identifying breaches in safety protocols and establishing negligence, aspects that are often at the core of securing compensation for the injured.

Our legal team’s proficiency extends to understanding the dynamics of underride collisions, which requires a detailed analysis of crash mechanics, vehicle design flaws, and the role of road and weather conditions typical of the Rocky Mountain region.

Olson Personal Injury Lawyers’s track record in representing victims of underride truck accidents speaks volumes about our commitment to justice and client satisfaction. We have consistently secured successful outcomes for our clients, navigating complex litigation landscapes to achieve favorable verdicts and settlements.

Our success is measured not just in financial terms but also in the peace of mind and closure we bring to those affected by such traumatic events.

Having Olson Personal Injury Lawyers’s experienced attorneys by your side means leveraging their expertise for your benefit. Our approach is characterized by a combination of aggressive legal strategy and compassionate client care.

We understand that each case is more than just a file; it’s a life-altering event that demands personalized attention and a dedicated effort to secure the best possible outcome. Our team is committed to advocating for your rights, ensuring that you receive full compensation for your losses, and guiding you through the legal process with professionalism and empathy.

In the challenging journey following an underride truck accident, trust Olson Personal Injury Lawyers to be your advocate and guide. Our expertise and proven track record are your resources for navigating this difficult time, ensuring that your case is handled with the care and dedication it deserves.

What Is an Underride Truck Accident?

An underride truck accident occurs when a smaller vehicle collides with a larger truck or trailer and slides underneath it. This type of collision is among the most hazardous on the road due to the high risk of severe injuries or fatalities for the occupants of the smaller vehicle.

The design of trucks and trailers, which are much higher off the ground than cars, creates a gap that can allow vehicles to become trapped underneath in the event of an accident. These collisions are particularly devastating because the car’s safety features, such as airbags and crumple zones, are often bypassed, leading directly to the passenger compartment’s intrusion.

Types of Underride Accidents

Underride accidents are generally classified into two main categories, each presenting unique dangers:

  • Rear Underride Accidents: These occur when a car crashes into the back of a truck or trailer. Common causes include the truck stopping suddenly or a car approaching a truck too quickly, often exacerbated by poor visibility or the truck’s inadequate tail lighting or reflective markings.
  • Side Underride Accidents: These happen when a car crashes into the side of a truck or trailer, which can occur during lane changes, at intersections, or when trucks are entering or crossing roadways. These accidents are a particular risk because side underride guards are not as common as their rear counterparts.

Causes and Common Scenarios in the Rocky Mountains

The unique topography and weather conditions of the Rocky Mountains contribute to the occurrence of underride accidents in several ways:

  • Adverse Weather Conditions: The region is known for its sudden and severe weather changes, including fog, snow, and rain, which significantly reduce visibility and make it harder for drivers to see trucks until it’s too late to avoid an underride collision.
  • Slippery Roads: Snow and ice are common in the Rocky Mountains, leading to slippery road conditions that can cause vehicles to lose control and slide underneath trucks, especially if trucks are moving slowly uphill or have stopped unexpectedly.
  • Challenging Terrain: Steep inclines and sharp curves can force trucks to slow down unexpectedly or to position themselves in ways that are not immediately apparent to other drivers, increasing the risk of underride accidents.

Understanding the dynamics and risks associated with underride truck accidents is crucial for both preventing these tragedies and for addressing their aftermath. For those impacted by such accidents, the complexities of the terrain and weather underscore the need for specialized legal assistance to navigate the aftermath of these devastating incidents.

How Olson Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help

At Olson Personal Injury Lawyers, we understand the devastating impact that underride accidents can have on victims and their families. Our comprehensive legal services are designed to support those affected by these tragic events, ensuring they receive the justice and compensation they deserve.

Here is how we can help:

Thorough Investigation

Our approach to each underride accident case begins with a meticulous investigation. We understand that the details of the accident are crucial in building a strong case.

Our team meticulously reviews police reports, eyewitness statements, and accident scene photos, and we work closely with accident reconstruction experts. These specialists help us understand the dynamics of the crash, including the positions of the vehicles, speed, and points of impact, which are critical in establishing fault and liability.

Expert Witness Consultation

Olson Personal Injury Lawyers leverages its network of industry experts, including engineers, medical professionals, and safety specialists, to provide authoritative insights into the specifics of your case. These experts can offer critical testimony on the nature of your injuries, the mechanics of the underride accident, and the extent to which safety regulations may have been violated.

Their expertise is invaluable in demonstrating the negligence of the trucking company or driver, as well as in illustrating the long-term impact of your injuries.

Aggressive Negotiation with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies often seek to minimize payouts, especially in complex truck accident cases. Olson Personal Injury Lawyers is prepared to engage in aggressive negotiation with these companies to ensure you receive full compensation.

Our experienced attorneys understand the tactics insurers use and are adept at countering them, advocating fiercely for your rights. We strive to secure a settlement that covers all your needs, including medical expenses, lost wages, and compensation for pain and suffering.

Personalized Legal Strategies

Recognizing that each underride accident case is unique, Olson Personal Injury Lawyers is committed to developing personalized legal strategies tailored to the specifics of your situation. We take the time to understand your individual circumstances, goals, and the impact the accident has had on your life.

This client-centered approach ensures that our legal strategy aligns with your needs and objectives, whether that means pursuing a settlement or taking your case to trial.

Contact an Esteemed Underride Truck Accident Law Firm

If you’ve been affected by an underride truck accident, don’t navigate this challenging journey alone. Olson Personal Injury Lawyers is here to offer the expert legal support and personalized guidance you need.

Reach out to us at (720) 730-4325 to schedule a free consultation. Together, we can explore your options and start the process of securing the justice and compensation you deserve. Let our expertise be your strength.

Common Truck Accident FAQ

Trucking accident expert Sean Olson answers the most common questions about truck accidents, injuries, and insurance claims in the Rocky Mountain region.

In the heart of the Rocky Mountains, the juxtaposition of natural beauty and driving peril is stark. This region, renowned for its scenic landscapes, also harbors unique driving challenges that escalate the likelihood of truck accidents. The combination of steep inclines, unpredictable weather, and serpentine routes contributes to a heightened risk for those navigating its expanses. As truck accidents become…

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The trucking industry serves as the backbone of logistics and transportation across the United States, with its significance magnified within the challenging terrains of the Rocky Mountain region. Here, trucks carry essential goods through some of the most demanding roads in the country, navigating steep inclines, tight curves, and altitudes that test the limits of both vehicle and driver. This…

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Truck accidents are among the most severe and devastating incidents on our roads, occurring with alarming prevalence. Due to the massive size and weight of commercial trucks, including tractor-trailers, the potential for significant injuries in these accidents is substantially higher than in collisions involving only passenger vehicles. The forces involved in truck accidents can lead to a wide range of…

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Truck accidents within the Rocky Mountain region are marked by a complexity that goes beyond the immediate aftermath of the collision. The unique combination of challenging terrain, unpredictable weather conditions, and dense legal intricacies significantly compounds the difficulty of these cases. The region's steep inclines, sharp turns, and variable climate can lead to hazardous driving conditions that not only increase…

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Truck accidents represent a complex interplay of challenges, deeply influenced by the unique terrain and intricate legal landscape specific to this area. The formidable Rocky Mountains present driving conditions that are unparalleled—steep ascents and descents, unpredictable weather patterns, and serpentine roads—all contributing to the complexity of determining fault in truck accidents. This environment not only heightens the risk of accidents…

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Vehicular accidents, a prevalent concern on roads worldwide, arise from a myriad of factors, each influencing the occurrence and outcome of these unfortunate events. The dynamics of such accidents vary widely, encompassing a spectrum from minor fender benders to catastrophic collisions. Factors including driver behavior, environmental conditions, vehicle conditions, and road infrastructure play critical roles in both the frequency and…

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Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm